Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Week 59

(Week 6 Rome)
"We went fishing..."
Doing some good casa a casa, (house to house).
Subject line this week comes from an African friend we met. He asked us who we were
and after explaining he asked us how many people we had fished. I
loved it because we really are fishers of men! Now the term "finding"
is "fishing"!

This week has been absolutely crazy! Monday night transfer calls, (we
are staying) and then Tuesday we got a call saying two more Sorelle
were moving into our apartment! What!?!? Haha we were so surprised but
we love it now! So in this ward there are now four Sorelle, two
Anziani, and a senior couple.

Best part of the week, Sorella Erickson and I prayed over a map of our
area to try doing some apartment to apartment and we had soooo much
success!!!! We found an awesome family that we will be seeing
Wednesday and were able to teach some other people the restoration!
Seriously have never seen success like this while doing this! Super
huge thanks to my dear companion who just had crazy faith during the
whole "fishing" experience!

Funny/miracle: Sunday evening we were going to pass by a less active
and poor poor Sorella Erickson's feet were all blistered and we were
asking all sorts of people if they had any bandaids. The less active
wasn't home and as we were heading down a hill a man stopped us and
was like, I have seen you missionaries everyday for these last four
days! Haha he is from Bologna up north and was here is Rome. He ended
up calling an Anziano Hoggan or something from the Milan mission
thinking we knew each other! Haha super crazy! Anywho, on the way back
to the metro station a man we had previously asked for a bandaid came
out with a rag we tore into pieces to wrap her foot. I washed off her
foot and wrapped it all up and then we were able to teach this man
Sergio the Restoration! Turns out he had meet missionaries before and
even already had a Book of Mormon! Miracles come from injured feet!

Another highlight was when we had an awesome leadership conference
this week and after we ate hamburgers! The best though was to just see
how much faith our President and Sorella Pickerd have for us
missionaries. I'm so grateful to serve with such amazing other leaders
and all the other missionaries in our mission.

Matthew 4:19-20

Have a great week!
Sorella Nelson!!!

Pranzo at the church with member friends.

The two new Sorelle in Rome!  Four sisters now!

Sorella Erickson gave her first talk today!!  So proud!

Sunday pranzo!
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Anziani love to take selfies on our ipads...
P-Day adventures...

When Jesus was baptized with drops of water....

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