Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Week 57

(Week 4 Rome)
"Love of work is success"

Basically I want to start off bragging a little bit about my greenie
Sorella Erickson. She has always been super scared to talk to people,
but this week she absolutely killed it! On buses and metros we were
both inviting people! One time we were on a bus, I was at the front
and she was towards the back, I thought she had heard me when I said
the next stop was ours, but she was talking to someone and didn't
hear. Well, I hopped off and then as the doors were closing I realized
she wasn't off. Haha she saw me at the last moment and I yelled, "get
off at the next one!" We were both just laughing and laughing as I
booked it down to the next stop to meet her. Good laugh, but now we
stay closer on the buses. Haha I'm the worst trainer!

August vacation... Everyone is gone... Literally almost every time we
meet or call someone to set up a return appointment, they tell us to
call them after August... Noooo!!!! Since everyone is gone and there
aren't many people in the parks we've been able to do some good less
active work.

Carmen, from the Philippines! An absolutely amazing Sorella and is
ready to just start over again. She has a beautiful family who is
active in the church and she is just the missing piece in this eternal
family! We went to her home and she fed us a fabulous Philippino meal!
Pumped to work with this Sorella!

Rositta, from Ecquador! She is a rockstar! Since we are both new we
had no idea that she has just started coming back to church. She had
been inactive for over a year and finally decided she wants help
coming back! These sisters are soooo much fun! They seem like they are
our age just in older women bodies. It's the best!

During Sunday pranzo with a member from Paraguay we got a phone call
from a woman who apparently is a member! She said she had found a
pass-a-long card and decided it was time for her to come back to
church! Hopefully we will see her this week!

Teach when you find, find when you teach has been something I've been
trying really hard to be better at. I'm great at the second part, but
sometimes I just give people a card without bearing testimony and I
decided I want to actually teach! This week I was given several
opportunities to do that but my favorite experience was when a woman
actually came to OUR door. She needed some info about the electricity
in our house so I gave it to her and then we just got talking and she
asked the best question, "what are you doing here?" Hahaha well... We
are missionaries!!! It's was a great visit and we were able to teach
her a quick restoration and invite her to church. My testimony has
grown of this principle. The Lord really gives us opportunities when
we ask for help to improve our work and habits.

The mission is the best. I wish it was sometimes just all filmed...
The hard moments, the hilarious ones but really just all the miracles!
There are just sooooo many miracles everyday and a single email just
can't explain how blessed we really are! I Love being a

Sorella Carrie Nelson
D&C 75:3
President McKay has said, "Let us realize that the privilege to work
is a gift, that the power to work is a blessing, that love of work is

District unity color scheme on Sunday.  Brother and Sister Thompson, our senior couple, are from Australia.

Our kitchen....
Pranzo (lunch)
How much do I love clams? 10!!!!  You put them in spaghetti and soooooo buono!!!  They're kinda chewy but super yummy!!

Cutest Carmen from the Phillippines!!
Cutest two little sisters from Equador and the meal they made for us. 

Outside a member's home.

Throwing it back to when my MTC group left the MTC almost a year ago!
When it's late and you are waiting for a bus....
That's the Vatican at the top of the treetops!  Just a metro stop away!
It's braided hair season.
Long hot days and wearing out my companion.

We found a panda suit/costume in the 'death closet"  Death closet is where missionaries leave clothing and other things behind when they just can't pack it all in.  Why a panda suit????

P-day at the Colosseum!!!!!

Spanish steps where Audrey Hepburn sat in the movie Roman Holiday.

The streets of Rome....

Ending up the P-Day with a game of chess.

Cleaning the church brings out my inner wizard.

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