Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Week 56

(Week 3 Rome)
"God knows where we are"

This has been the big theme of the week. I don't think I've ever had a
week full of just difficulty knowing what to do. Since we are both new
in the city, we don't know where many people love and how to get to
different places. Throughout the entire week we had plans not work
out, but it was amazing to see how we were blessed as Heavenly Father
put someone in our path.

The first time was after we went to see an older sister in the ward.
She is from Portugal and has the cutest accent when she speaks
Italian. It would be the equivalent of a southern hick accent. It's
the best! After we saw her, we walked outside to find another Sorella
of the church taking out her trash. We had no idea she lived across
the street! We were able to visit with her and she told us of two less
active sisters who lived two streets down. Huge blessing! We saluted
this sweet sister from Africa and booked it down to these two other
Sorelle. We found the house, the name and rang the bell. They weren't
home... As we turned around to head out we heard, "Sorelle!?" They
were in their car getting ready to leave! Sooo cool!!! We got to meet
them and they are the sweetest! We decided to ask them if they knew of
other Sorelle who lived in the area and they said if we walk two more
streets down there is an active sister in the church. YES! We were so
pumped then to just run and meet the whole ward this evening, but this
sister really wasn't home... Bummer. We went to get our bus and we end
up getting a little lost... BUT! We met that last sister on the last
bus we took that evening! Huge miracle! The Lord put literally
everyone in our path that evening even when we didn't really know
where we were!

Really the Lord always knows where we are! We tried to find a
different less active one evening and we were lost again! (Maybe Im
just bad with directions) anywho, we asked a man who was outside
washing his car where the certain street was and he brought us inside
to meet his son and wife! We were able to leave this sweet family with
a message and Phamplet even though they don't want to learn more. We
eventually found the road, but I was grateful the Lord gave us someone
to teach. Throughout the week He really blessed us with finding some
new contacts and people in the past who had met with missionaries. We
still are struggling to figure out all these crazy buses, but we have
been very blessed in the moments only the Lord knows where we are.

I adore the members here! We have some from Egypt, Peru, Africa,
Austria, America, England, Portugal, Uruguay, and basically all over
the place! This week we were able to see our Egyptian members and hear
their beautiful conversion stories. Something I loved that they said
is that they were finally able to FEEL the truth. It's true! We also
ate with a Peruvian family and were able to hear about their
conversion. Now this family has children sealed in the temple and they
are stellar member missionaries. It's amazing to see what can come
from the conversion of one strong member. We are all soooo different
but when we all meet together on Sunday we are all a family and come
together for the same purpose. I love this gospel and that we can FEEL
the TRUTH! I'm grateful to be a missionary and be involved in the real
gathering of Israel!

3 Nefi 16:3
Sorella Nelson
Che abbiate una buona settimana!

Quick Sunday pictures outside our church building.

Making pranzo with ward member Martin!

We made pizza!
Chicken burgers and watermelon.

A taste of the diversity in the ward.  Left, Sorella Rossetti, Africa, the rest are from Eygpt!

Street market shopping today!!

A man named Dario we taught at the park.  He gave us some mango juice after our message.

We joined the Italian fashion trend of loose pants.  Literally every Italian wears these or a dress.

Waiting for a bus.....

Lots of time spent in these metro tunnels!
Peruvian dish!  Papawanagallo or something like that.  Super, super yummy!
Favrotie Fratello in the ward.... Fratello Aranda!  He is from Peru and is our ward mission leader.

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