Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Week 55

(Week 2 Rome)
After this week I'm still not sure where I'm at... Rome, Egypt, Africa, Peru? It's been a really great and full week here in Roma 1! Between getting completely lost on  buses and walking and walking and walking we were able to see a lot of tender mercies and meet some cool people! 
We met the two investigators the Sorelle had left, Rasim and Tana, they are from Albania! We got to know them super well! They can hardly hear what we say and they live right next to the train station so teaching was super super hard. Also, right during the first vision part of the lesson, a train zoomed right by! Erg! They aren't physically able to do anything right now so we shall see what the Lord asks us to do. They are bravi anyway. 
Coming home was quite the experience... We had taken a train and a half to get to them and Rasim told us to just simply take a certain bus and we would end up right at the church. So what did we do? We took it! And we were soooo lost! Eventually we ran into the Anziani on a bus and they told us to get off in two stops. At the second stop it didn't look right so we got off at the third and ohhhh man! We had gone way too far! After three or four more buses and asking literally everyone directions we ended up safe and sound at home. I'm grateful Sorella Erickson was crying from laughing just as hard as I was the whole time! Super grateful for this sweet new missionary. Her patience and desire and overall spirit are really blessing us! 
We have been searching for the people the Lord has prepared and have been visiting the parks here! They look like Africa but we have been able to teach some really cool people! A woman from Czech Republic (shoutout to you cuz!) a man from Persia, and some wonderful South Americans! Super excited for this week and see who will progress! 
Highlight of the week! Zone conference! The coppia Simoncini came to pick us up in their car and take us to the zone conference early in the morning. This couple are the literal pioneers of the church here in Italy and are absolutely incredible! Her father was the first man baptized in Sicily and now they have a strong family in the gospel. 
Anyway, on the way to the zone conference he finds out I haven't been back to Rome since I arrived in the mission and asks me if it would be okay if we took a detour. We went to see the Rome TEMPLE!!! I cried the whole time we were there it is so beautiful! Being at the temple sight with this Italian couple was the best experience. Seeing how faithful they have been without a temple in their country and to see their excitement for this temple just got the best of me. How blessed we are to have temples. What happiness and peace and comfort they give us! 
The work goes forward! It's hard, but it's worth it! Have a superb week everyone! 
3 Nefi 5:26 
Sorella Nelson
So around Italy people put cool stickers all over. My dictionary and a couple other books are covered with stickers I find so when walking we found this awesome Rome sticker and I had to get it.When we find cool stickers we go to all costs to get them.
This is the park in Rome....  Africa or Rome???
The top of the hill we live on.
Piazza di popolo!  Pretty sure this is where the man is almost drowned in the movie Angels and Demons. This obelisk is actually from Egypt. A pope will conquer a city, bring back things and mark it  making him a "Good Pope".

Another Piazza...It seems like every corner has something like this on it.

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