Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Week 54

(Week 1 Rome)
I have safely arrived in the city of all cities. ROME! It's massive and it sure is going to take us a while to get around quickly but I'm not worried. Leaving Bari was the worst!!! Sweet little Camilla, her sister and mom, and even the dad came to Bari to salute me and I just didn't want to leave! We also got to see all our investigators which was a huge miracle before I left! Then the actual transfer day came... Goodbye Sorella Torres. I definitely lost it... I was crying before the train even pulled into the station. What an amazing Sorella she is! She taught me so much about missionary work and about myself. We really worked hard together and talk so well together. I already miss her tons but she is going to continue seeing miracles in that special Bari city!
Bye Sorella Torres, I lietrally have never cried so much as I did saying goodbye...
Handing my baby off to her new companion.
Rome! After an anxious five hour train ride to Rome I picked up my second greenie! Sorella Erickson!!! She is a tiny little thing and just the sweetest human ever! She is from Hooper, Utah and one of ten kids! I'm excited to see her grow, grow, grow and use her energy to grow the Lord's work here!
Tender mercy!  Passed through my dear Caserta (first area) on the way to Rome!

New greenie.... Sorella Erickson!!!!
Finally saw my long lost MTC companion Sorella Tingey!!
The three Sorelle from our MTC group together again!
Rome 1! The past Sorelle left a couple of investigators and when we called to set up appointments almost all of them dropped us except a super old couple so we are basically starting from square one. It's going to great! The ward….. I feel like I am in Peru! Almost everyone is South American and from Peru! There is just a handful of Italians in the ward... Sooooo different. Our ward mission leader is super great and is also Peruvian! This Sunday they had all the new missionaries bear our testimonies. It was awesome. Sorella Erickson absolutely blew everyone away with how awesome she already is and I got up and basically told them all we are ready to work together.
After church we had an awesome miracle. I felt like a missionary out of the district. We were talking to the Bishop and R.S. President about what we could do for the ward and they just looked at each other and then the Relief Society President smiled and invited us to pranzo at her house where we could talk! She fed us and then we got the whole run down of the ward! It was awesome!!!! We are all just excited to restart and get things down the right way! She has given us some names of sisters she wants us to visit. I'm just seriously so grateful to have the trust of this ward and have some awesome leaders that are going to help us accomplish our work!
Cool story!!! We went to go see a less active sister and as we were walking down her long hill I saw the top of a massive church so I asked her what it was. She just laughs and says it's St. Peter's Basilica. (VATICAN!!!!) We are literally three or so metro stops away from the great and abominable church! Crazy!
Anywho, I'm really excited to work here in Rome and get this work rolling. I'm grateful to have greenie magic with me and I feel just super full of energy to do my best here.
Sorella Nelson

Goodbye Maria!!
Goodbye Gabriella!
Goodbye English Course!!
Goodbye Antuanet and Camilla!
Matching Sorelle aprons.
Gelato with my new district Rome 1.
Visiting Trevi Fountains with the Sorelle.

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