Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Week 52

(Week 22 Bari)
My biggest temptation is running to the beach and going for a swim. I get out of the shower in the morning and I remain wet for the entire day. It is literally impossible to get dry. It's soooo hot and humid! I hate giving the kisses on the cheeks cuz faces stick together! Ewwwwwwwwww!

GABRIELLA CAME TO CHURCH AGAIN! Ahhhh!!! I'm just super excited! It's
just strange sometimes when you plan on certain investigators coming
to church and do all you can to get those certain people to church and
then the ones you weren't planning on end up coming to church without
a reminder! I'll say it once again... This is so not our work, it's the Lord's.

Highlight of the week was meeting our new President Pickerd! We were
all so excited and looking so sharp right at 10:00 when the beautiful,
fresh from Utah, coppia Pickerd walked in the doors.

Other missionaries who came into the mission with me.

The conference was super wonderful. President took two minutes with each of us
individually to get to know us and then we got to know them. Haha we
were all sooo awkward! The more the conference went on the more open
we all became. I have a testimony that our leaders are called of God. Wow...... He is so wonderful and so full of the Spirit. They both shared that they have been in the celestial room of the temple for over 5 temple dedications. We are all hoping that this luck will help with our dear Italy Rome temple.

At the end of the conference one of our assistants shared a thought
about how we need to win the war of apostasy here in Italy. He said,
"if God wins here in Italy, He will have won the biggest act of apostasy the world has ever seen."  Wow! It's soooo true. Everywhere we walk we see apostasy and people turning from God. We will win in Italy! The church is growing, the work is going forward and the church is true!

Alma 56:45
Sorella Carrie Nelson
P.s. I love Italy but am proud to be an American! Happy Fourth!

The Peruvians gave me an authentic Peruvian hat for my birthday!!

Gesso finding on Sunday night.

The Anziani of Poggio Franco gave me and Sorella Ensign scarfs for our birthdays.

Yay for Amazon birthday packages!!!  It's been nearly a year since I've had my favorite Dr. Pepper.

Italy gets all festive for the soccer games.  Flags on the railing and Italy colors everywherre.

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