Monday, June 13, 2016

Week 46

(Week 16 Bari)
This transfer is coming to a close and I can't believe how fast these weeks have gone by!!! It feels like I just arrived here in Bari with Sorella Taylor, and then did just a long exchange with Sorella Jones and then this transfer with Sorella Torres is almost finished! Time sure flies when you're having fun.

Quick work update: We had to move our baptism dates to June so as of now Maria will be baptized on the 25th of June and Camilla on the 19th. I hope nothing weird happens and that I leave Bari. It's just been so amazing to be here and see the work change so so much and I would love so much to see it through to a baptism. The Lord is the best though so what ever happens I'm sure it will be great. Anywho, these investigators are doing awesome! They are reading, praying, coming to church. I really couldn't ask for better investigators.

Miracle newbie! Cristina... So there is the best member in the ward Sorella Magno, I've talked about her in the past, but she is the best member missionary there is. Well, she has taken in a woman to do a little cleaning and work at her apartment and has been inviting her to church. Well this woman came last week and so this week Sorella Magno had us prepare ourselves to get her number and bring a Book of Mormon in Romanian and the whole bit. It was AWESOME! Cristina talked all about how she feels the Spirit at church and she absolutely adored the gospel principles lesson on baptism. The Anziani showed a video of Christ being baptized and she just kept talking all about how we have to be baptized like that! haha awesome Cristina... Well me being human and forgetful, I was super stressed before church and had forgotten Cristina's BoM. I was sooooo mad at myself! But low and behold the story goes on...
After pranzo and studies we were headed to a less active home and we ended up being stood up. THE WORST! As we were looking where we were at, we realized we were super close to Sorella Magno's home. We then realized I had grabbed the BoM before we went back to work so we decided it was fate and had better see if Cristina was at Sorella Magno's home. Sure enough she was! We ended up teaching the Restoration with a baptismal invite and she said YES! 

My testimony of following the Spirit has grown so much and it just keeps growing as I see miracles happen from following spiritual promptings. We saw a lot of miracles this week from planning to be in a certain area and then the Lord changing our plan and putting someone else in our pathway. It's really pretty amazing how it works.

Sorella Torres and I were both asked to speak in church last Sunday on missionary work. It's been super fun this transfer as we taught in Relief Society about missionary work and then had this opportunity as well. Our talks were awesome! Not to be prideful, but it was awesome to just feel the spirit and then as we all stood to sing Let Us All Press On it was literally the best missionary spirit ever! I'm just very grateful to be a missionary. It is so dang hard, but there is just a type of happiness that only comes from doing the Lord's work. Members are so so special and I'm grateful to know so many wonderful Italians who are trying to build the church here.

Ponderize scripture: Mosiah 28:3
Vi Voglio Bene!!!!
Sorella Carrie Nelson
Every scambio (exchange) ends with a gelato!

Scambia with Foggia Sorelle!

Panzerotti for District meeting lunch!

Good Pday. Played frisbee on the beach.
It  rains soooooooo hard here!!!!

Decisions, decisions, desicions.  The best gelato EVER!!!! Good day in a little city called Capurso.  

Pretty Bari Vecchia.
Happiest Sorella ever!!!!!  Half-way package FINALLY made it!!!!  

Sorella Ensign appreciated the ranch dressing mix as much as I did.

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