Monday, May 16, 2016

Week 45

(Week 15 Bari)

Bari Zone Conference
Bari is known for "red power" so we decided as the leaders of the zone to have everyone wear red!  It was so awesome!  Everyone participated, even the assistants and President and Sister Waddoups!  It was a super fun idea.

What a week! My testimony of missionary work and how little part we
play has been strengthened this week as I've seen so many miracles
happen. During this week we had all sorts of different lessons planned
of where we were going to go and who we were going to see. Almost
every single day we were lead to someone else to teach. 
The first time we were headed to another lesson and we passed by a
door that I recognized. Sorella Taylor had told me that a woman lived
there but is only home when it was raining. Well, it was raining so we
knocked on the door! And this woman was home, let us in, we taught the
restoration and MIRACLE! So awesome.
The second time we were doing a little less active hunting and we
remembered that there was a part member family that lived close by. So
we ran on over and knocked! This wife and daughter who are not members
happily let us in, we taught the Restoration and MIRACLE! 
The third time a woman cancelled on us so we were walking to our next
appointment doing a little finding on the way and we stopped a woman
named Maria. She has a brother who is a member is SLC and she dragged
us right into her house where we sat down, taught the Restoration and
The fourth time was on the bus headed to English Course. There was a
woman I recognized from church last week so we start talking and turns
out she isn't a member! Her name is also Maria and she had simply seen
us getting off at the bus stop all the time and decided to come check
out our church. She looooved it and told us about the peace she felt.
Serious MIRACLE! 
This transfer has been really really difficult so far, but I've
learned as we search for the miracles in every single day, Heavenly
Father makes miracles happen. As we work work work we forget all the
other problems and find so much fulfillment in the gospel. 
I love
being a missionary and love my small part in this great and marvelous
Sorella Nelson 
Ponderize scripture Alma 26:12

Beautiful little flower shop.

Check out this strange bouquet....

"Maria! Let's take a picture!"  This is her pose :)
Camilla!  Our Peruvian princess.

Typical Italian streets...

Alberobello with the whole district!!

The Pack Family from Logan was in Bari as they vacationed in Italy.  They attended our ward and I was able to translate for  some of them!  Always send missionary parents pictures of their missionaries and then give them a big hug!  It was such a tender mercy to have a woman from my hometown come and talk with me, take a picture and give me a great big hug.  It's the best!!

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