Monday, June 13, 2016

Week 48

(Week 18 Bari)
Ciao tutti! I had my last interview and zone conference with our dear
Presidente e Sorella Waddoups. What blessings they have been in my
mission. They will be missed so dearly. Our new president comes at the
end of June. Everyone was kind of freaking out about the change, but
in our leadership conference and zone conference we talked a lot about
how our purpose as missionaries doesn't change and if we are focused
on that this change won't be hard. I'm super grateful for amazing
leaders and for the direction they give us. I'm excited to meet
Presidente Pickard!
Our zone got the Waddoups these special Bari shirts.

We all made special "Count your blessings bracelets".

Maria and Camilla are doing great, we are going to have to move
Maria's baptism till July but Camilla is a rockstar and the last time
we saw her she goes, "Sorelle! I read ten verses!" Love that 11 year

Cool stories from the week:
1. We were waiting for the bus so we start up conversation with a
woman who was waiting as well. Turns out she knew exactly who we were
and then she pulls out a couple of pieces of paper from her purse and
shoves them into my hands. It was a photo copie of the book of alma
from The Book of Mormon. I probably looked so dumb and confused just
standing there! Haha! We asked her how she felt about he BoM and she
told us she feels peace and knows it is true. WHAT!? We try getting
her number and setting an appointment but she just tells us her number
is "top secret" and wouldn't agree to meeting with us... Erg... One
day. I just couldn't believe she was carrying around a photo copy of
the Book of Alma!

2. My all time favorite less active member is Angelo who is always at
this gelateria/bar in the afternoon. We had just taught he and his
wife the word of wisdom and challenged them to live it for the week so
we thought we would swing by the bar to see if he was there. As we
were getting close we see Angelo reach in his pocket bring out a
cigarette and a lighter. His is about to light it and then he sees us
and throws it all on the table and yells "SORELLE!" What a miracle we
were able to stop him! He then introduced us to his friend and we
taught he Restoration. The cool part of the lesson was when we asked
him to pray he looked so confused. No one had ever asked him to pray
before and he was so overwhelmed with the beautiful thought of saying
a prayer. People need the gospel.

3. Last week we were doing some finding in a park and we were teaching
the Restoration to a couple of women. While we were teaching I noticed
a woman on the next bench was listening in on what we were saying.
Sadly she had left before we could talk to her and the two women
didn't end up having much interest. I told Sorella Torres about the
woman and that we have to go back to the park sometime to find her.
Lo and behold this week we returned and at the end of the girro around
the park when no one had listened to us we found her! Her name is
Viviana and she is super rad. God helps us find those who are lost!

Miracles happen everyday. Look for them. I love this work and the
little part I get to do. I love Italy, Italians and this gospel. Love
you all and have a super week!
VVB, Sorella Nelson
Ponderize scripture: Mosiah 23:21

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