Monday, June 13, 2016

Week 49

(Week 19 Bari)
What a week! It's been super crazy here in the Bari, Poggio Franco
ward with upcoming potential baptisms. Satan has literally been the
worst this week and has given everyone different sorts of illnesses.
Erg... BUT, the work goes on because good always triumphs evil! 
Maria was the first, she missed her interview with President because
she got sick so now we has to wait, but it will be good to help her
remember things really well. 
Camilla our Peruvian princess was sooooo excited for her baptismal
interview and then... Sore throat and missed bus... BUT, our ward is
incredible and are organizing everything for a beautiful baptism! Now
we will be able to have the mom there as well! 
Best experience from the week: Sorella Torres and I were teaching a
lesson to Antuanet, Camilla's older sister. She was baptized when she
was eight but hadn't been to church for years and years and when we
teach Camilla it is more like we are teaching both of them. Anywho, we
were doing a lesson with just her and we asked her if she had any
questions about anything and she just looks at us with a big smile and
just tells us how good she feels being back into church.
We had found this sweet girl three transfers ago in a little town and
now she is wanting to live the commandments, help her family, and just
literally beams with the light of Christ. I just wanted to cry after
she bore her testimony to us about how she knows the church is true
and can't wait for her sister to be baptized. What a complete
This email is really short but I just wanted to share that quick story
and bear my testimony of missionary work. The purpose of missionary
work is to bring others to Christ. Whether that be through baptism or
bringing them back to church, or sharing a testimony with a stranger
that God loves them. Some of the most precious moments so far in my
mission have been when I've seen someone so lost in their lives and
unsure where to go, come to church. What a wonderful opportunity we
have to not only bring our brothers and sisters outside of the church
unto Christ, but also our Fratelli e Sorelle inside the church come
back. I'm grateful for less active work and for the testimonies of
members of the church. I know we all mess us in this life but we
always can return. I love this work and all the things I learn. I'm
grateful to be a missionary!
Love you all and have an awesome week!
Alla prossima! 
Sorella Carrie Nelson

Our wonderful district!!

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