Monday, October 24, 2016

Week 68

(Week 15 Rome)

Family and Friends, I am sorry but I really only have a paragraph in
me this week.

Highlight: President Nelson came!!! He talked for an our just about
the Abrahamic Covenant. To be honest I was kinda like.., what? Nothing
about missionary work? Well, we are all definitely studying more about
this topic in free time and the role we have in this. He also told us
he read all four standard works in two weeks. Yes, he is a prophet of
God. Other speakers talked about how little time we have until the
second coming and that Italy is going to see many things so we are all
excited with a new sense of urgency! Overall super great and spirit
filled conference!!!!  

Work is going well, we have been blessed to find
a couple cool families!

Okay maybe two paragraphs...
We went to find an inactive woman and ran into a member Martin our
way. He came with us and the woman wasn't there but the son gave us
her number. Anywho, we noticed two little girls playing outside and we
rang the other doorbell and this family totally let us come in and
teach them!!!!! Soooooo cool and Martin got to bear testimony in
Spanish to this family from Guatemala!!!! Miracles are real!!!!

Ciao! Sorella Nelson
1 Nefi 15:16

Proudest "mama" in the mission!!!  Past and current companions.  They are all so wonderful!!!

My dear Sorella Clark!!  The STL in the other zone.  So grateful for her!

So many missionaries together for President Nelson's visit.
Classic Anziano selfie with the sister's ipads. 

President Nelson.

My mission twin!  Sorella Frogley.

W bought member Martin a calzone for his birthday and also for helping us with the work.

When you run out of other noodles you use the lasagna noodles for pasta....

Turned out quite nice!!

You can't tell from this poor picture but it is at night with a street covered in cigarettes... I will probably permanently smell like a cigarette...

Mailing postcards home.

Slanting walls as we climbed to the top of the Vatican.

Looking out at all of Rome from the top of the Vatican.

A dear member from my first area in Caserta!!  He and his family were baptized during my second week in the mission.  Love this Vernazzani family!

Found Gaetano reading in the park!

One of my favorite youth in the ward!  Madelyn!

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