Thursday, November 10, 2016

Week 69

(Week 16 Rome)

Happy Halloween! No, Italy doesn't really do much for Halloween. I
honestly kinda forgot it. I'm right now wearing Christmas socks...
this week has been superb!
Funny moment: going to a lesson a member Martin was talking to us and
so to make conversation I asked him what his favorite car was. He
thinks for a minute and then replies with a minivan. Sorella Cardullo
and I are then thinking like oh maybe he wants a big family one day or
something but then he says, "this way we can bring more people to
church!" Hahaha we were NOT expecting that answer but he is literally
the best and brings everyone to church!

Gaetano's family!!! So in this moment Gaetano has hit quite the
plateau. BUT, his family is absolutely wonderful and actually
progressing! This week we were able to see the fam twice at his house.
His sweet wife is sewing skirts for us and we've been able to read the
Book of Mormon with them all together! I just want to testify how much
spirit the BoM brings! Literally the atmosphere changes when we start
reading the words! Gaetano's daughter in law and his grandson also
joined us. Best part of all: MARIA ROSA (the wife) SAID THE CLOSING
PRAYER!!! Who knows, maybe she will end up being the key to helping
Gaetano be baptized.

Donnatella! She is a "referral" from  the Anziani. They are teaching
her son Dario and he is getting baptized Saturday! She is a single mom
with quite a story. She wanted to have a son for years and years and
years and he is literally just her world and she is so so so happy
about this choice he is making! Our first lesson with her we sat down
and just asked her how she felt about Dario getting baptized and she
just straight up asked how she can do it for herself. I was like...
what!?!? Anywho, she wants to be baptized with "calm" is how you would
say it in Italian. She is a superstar and the best is that she lives
in the same building as Gaetano!!! Fun little "coincidence"!

EARTHQUAKE! We felt smaller earthquakes this week and we sure felt the
6.5 earthquake Sunday morning! A lot of people actually weren't able
to come to church sadly because the metro closed. We were studying and
had to get in the doorways. This is real second coming stuff
happening! On Sunday we had an area of the seventy come to our ward
and speak. He talked a lot about these earthquakes and that the Lord
is sending the people of Italy a warning. I was literally dumbfounded!
He continued to talk about making sure we have sure foundations so
when these things happen we know we won't fall. He talked about
driving our foundations as deep as possible. I'm so grateful for
living prophets today who help warn us and guide us in these last
days! I challenge you all to dig your foundation a little deeper this

Helaman 5:12
Sorella Carrie Nelson

Dinner with the Aranda family!  HAHA we noticed the leftover plate in the picture after it was too late!


Only in Italy is the pope the example for picture sizes...

Played "calcio" as all Rome Sorelle for pday!!

The Anziani always do this every transfer and this is the typical pose they do.  We decided to  make it a Sorella thing too!  Soccer in Italia!!

Forza Italia!

Number 9 because....idk....

Azzurro blue!!!

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