Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Week 65

(Week 12 Rome)
Is it really Pday again!? Mamma Mia! This week has been full of what I
would say just randomness! Random pranzo appointments and FHEs with
ward members, random moments with crazy and cool people on buses, lost
my companion on the bus again! Haha she just was a second late getting
off before the doors closed... Good times!

Cool miracle!!! We had received a referral quite a while ago but the
address was wrong and we kept trying to call the number and eventually
it became inactive. During weekly planning we told Heavenly Father we
had done all we could and we erased her name off our board... WELL...
We were on the bus literally the next day and a woman walks right up
to us and says "I've been looking for you!!!" It was her!!! We
exchanged numbers and we are hoping to see her this Saturday! When she
got off the bus we just looked at each other with jaws dropped! Hahaha
This is COMPLETELY the work of the Lord!

Gaetano is doing well, he was able to come to the priesthood session
of conference and I was grateful for members and the Anziani for
sitting with him and helping him learn which suited man is the prophet
and so on. When we talked to him last he said he loved it! Speriamo
bene! He is seriously the best and brought his daughter in law,
granddaughter and all her friends to English course! He just wants
everyone and especially his family to be part of this! Cute moment...
He keeps forgetting the dear Heavenly Father part of the prayer so I
finally wrote it down for him to "study". Well, after English course
on Thursday we asked for a volunteer to say the closing prayer and he
said it!!!! It was such a wonderful prayer!

General conference!!!!! Wasn't it the greatest!?!?! I was grateful to
watch all the sessions except the last one in Italian for my last
conference in the mission! What a beautiful language Italian is and
what a wonderful message to hear! My favorite talk was President
Nelson's! Joy!!! If we literally all just take a step back and look at
how blessed we really are we are able to see so many reasons why we
should be joyous! "Men are that they might have joy!". "Gesù è la
gioia!" It's no wonder we feel so full of the spirit and fire after an
awesome Sunday or conference like this! So much joy and hope comes
from the teachings of Jesus Christ!  I'm very grateful for all the
inspired words from our leaders and everything we were able to hear. I
know that our leaders are called of God. I know this is the true
organization of His church!

2 Timothy 4:2
Sorella Nelson

Lesson with Gaetano.

Looking at the Vaticano from a park that was far away..

Fellow Sorelle sitting on the kitchen floor at our church.  We usually go there in the morning on P-Day to download all our mail then go do fun stuff and then come back later in the day  to send out our replies.
P-Day panini after a good walk in the rain.
This evil Anziano told our President that I have an addiction to Coca Cola!!
P-Day gelato with random guy from Milan.

The death of Anziano Simmons...The white cloth is a curtain some Anziano found...

A family from Canada/America moved into the ward and they sent me this text.  Their daughter is in my sister Kendra's ward at Weber State University.  I like cried I was so happy when I got this message.

Our English course class is getting sooooo big!!!!

General conference pranzo!

Watching part of Women's Conference session before bed :)


When Carrie was asked how she was feeling about not actually seeing any baptisms so far with people she has taught this was her reply.....

Baptisms... I honestly don't know why it has just been the theme of my mission like this!  It's okay, I know Camilla from Bari should be baptized I think this week and that is all I know of. I talked to the Caserta Sorelle (from her first area) and they told me some people are close to baptism and they are people that I helped find so that was cool to hear. Every missionary has a different role. There are sowers, nurturers and the reapers. I definitely feel like a sower. I try to invite EVERYONE to do something, whether look us up on our website, come to church, English course, or learn more, just throwing lots and lots of seeds all around.

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