Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Week 66

 (Week 13 Rome)

Third time is the charm.....

Soooooo I'm training again!!!!! For the THIRD time! On Monday night
when Sorella Pickerd called she said, "Now, Sorella Nelson, we are
about to ask the impossible..." So at this point I was sure I was
going to open a new area or something and then she goes, "...you will
be staying in Rome 1 with your third new missionary."
Me, "......WHAT!!! Yes!!!!!!! Of course of course of course!!!"
I was honestly sooooo pumped!!!!

Sorella Erickson and I had a last half of a week together before she
left to be with one of my old companions Sorella Taylor! They are still
in our zone so we will be seeing each other still. Man, I loved that
little Sorella! After twelve weeks with her and seeing her grow so so
much it was sad to see her go.
New companion Sorella Cardullo

Transfer day!!! We woke up super early to get to the train station,
left all of Sorella Erickson's stuff at the station and then Sorella
Taylor and I took the car to the mission home to pick up my new
missionary! We got so lost and stuck in traffic and for the third time
you would think I wouldn't have been nervous but I was just as nervous
as the first I got my first sister to train! We finally got there and I met my dearest SORELLA CARDULLO!!! She is from Provo Utah, but her father is a convert from
Sicily! She actually lived in different parts of Italy for 8 months.
She is seriously a fireball and I'm super super grateful to train her
for the last part of my mission. We are very very similar and she
reminds me a lot of myself when I was a new missionary. I'm super
humbled to be able to train for half my mission. These new
missionaries are incredible and I have learned so much from each one.
Sweet Sorella Cardullo has already taught me and we are just so
excited to see miracles happen here!

Cultural activity!!! We have such a diverse ward here so we took
advantage and planned the best activity ever! We had each family bring
a famous dish to share, talk about the church in that country and
share some fun facts. At the end the youth of the ward shared an
awesome thought about how we are all from all over the world but we
have the same church to unite us! It was sooo much fun and such a
Our cultural party!!  I had this awesome idea to have people from the ward represent the different countries where they are from and it turned out to be a HUGE success!!!




Anziano Toronto stole all the hearts of the members with his Bolvian outift.


Anziano with our ward mission leader Fratello Aranda.

Something learned this week: turning outward. One of the Sorella in our house was feeling kinda down the other day and so on the bus ride home at night we all happened to be on the same bus. I started a conversation with a super super cute woman and then I pulled this Sorella over to talk with us. As soon as this other Sorella starting talking to this woman about our church with me there was a physical difference in her. I eventually left the conversation and listened in as this Sorella taught the first vision and tried to get an appointment. This woman should be coming to church on Sunday! I have such a huge testimony of turning outward. This Sorella literally changed as soon as we looked outside ourselves together :)

"When the focus of our lives is on Jesus Christ and His gospel, we can feel joy regardless of what is happening- or not happening in our lives." Russell M. Nelson

I love the mission. Love you all! Have a great week!
Sorella Carrie Nelson :)

Peter,do you love me???  You know the answer!  Feed the sheep!
Gaetano saying goodbye to Sorella Erickson.

Saying goodbye to Shakir before she goes to visit Egypt!

A sweet sister in our ward gave us scarves....
and made us cinnamon tea.
Sad, sad missionary sandals. Said goodbye to them after a good, long summer.
My dearest third child!  Sorella CARDULLO!

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