Monday, December 19, 2016

Week 76

(Week 23 Rome)
Donatella was baptized Saturday!!!!!!!! After many problems with the word of wisdom, coming to church, and not reading something clicked and it was seriously so easy to help her prepare for baptism! It was a beautiful ceremony. I was able to speak with our ward mission leader, President and Sorella Pickerd both came, and Donatella's new convert son was able to perform the ordinance for her! She is so fantastic and after receiving the Holy Ghost on Sunday she was glowing! No lie! During the sacrament I noticed she was crying so I just grabbed her hand and she leans over and tells me she was finally able to forgive someone who caused her a lot of pain. THE GOSPEL CHANGES LIVES.
This dear boy Dario, who was baptized a month ago, baptized his mother on Saturday.
Welcome Donatella to la Chiesa di Gesu Cristo dei Santi degli ultimi giorni!
A beautiful double baptism! 
I've waited my entire mission for the opportunity to see one of my investigators baptized and now I really understand that baptism is not at all the end goal. I kept waiting during the baptism to feel something incredible like a joy I'd never felt in my mission. I felt absolute happiness, but I realized that was the same happiness that I have felt for 18 months. It's the happiness that comes after testifying on a park bench. It's the same happiness when we see an investigator come to church or when a less active member finally receives a calling. 

If anything, I learned that missionaries sometimes go their whole missions looking for that baptism and the happiness and pure joy are missed. I'm grateful for the opportunity the Lord gave me to feel so full of love and happiness for the whole 18 months here in Rome, Italy working my hardest every day, every week, month and year! At the very, very, last week I was able to experience the joy of the gospel in another way.

I LOVE THIS GOSPEL. I've never felt so strong about anything and I know that this is the church of Christ. I know with my entire being that Joseph Smith saw our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and that today we have the absolute fullness of the gospel. I know that repentance is real. Never in my life have I repented so much and I know that true repentance brings happiness. I know that God has a plan for every one of us. I know He loves us in our weaknesses and moments of strength. Exact obedience brings exact blessings. I also know that if we give  everything  to the Lord, He will make us the people we are to become. I'm not the same Carrie Nelson, I'm now Sorella Nelson and I know that as this Gospel has transformed me into the missionary I am, it will continue to change my life.


Sorella Nelson
D&C 6:13

Outside view of the mission office.

Labels of the building occupants where the mission office is located.

Scambio with dear Sorella Hills

The zone conference nativity starring my stuffed Boo dog as our baby Jesus. I was supposed to be there, but ended up going to a medical appointment with another Sister.

Last time in Piazza del Popolo.

Il Vaticano CHRISTMAS style.

Nativity outside the Vatican.

A group of missionaries in the Rome area had a fabulous opportunity to sing in a chapel on the same street as the Spanish steps in Rome.

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