Monday, December 12, 2016

Week 75

(Week 22 Rome)

CHRISTMAS in Peru, Feliz Navidad...

Random/funny moments 
  1. We visited a new convert Brazilian couple who just moved into our ward and they were talking to us about the missionary work here verses there and they said, "everyone is waiting for the mormons to knock on their door in Brazil." Hahaha I know it's not like that, but it was a good laugh.
  2. You can never plan to visit members or close investigators at home within two hours of lunch or dinner because they WILL FEED YOU even if you already ate. We ate way too much this week.
  3. We sang "Feliz Navidad" as our closing hymn during a family home evening. #southamericatakesitaly
Sorella Cardullo and I are absolutely loving the Christmas spirit in the air and how our work is going for us right now. Donatella had a baptismal interview on Saturday and she is all set for this coming Saturday. We are hoping to see it through, but she just called and said she might have to be moving houses this week and so we are praying hard for her. She is so so so wonderful and watching her progress has been HUGE.

The most tender moment this week was with our older investigator Gaetano. I found him with Sorella Erickson during our first transfer here and it has been a very long haul with him almost being baptized and everything. He had gone to Florence for a month and we finally were able to see him out of the blue on the street one day! We said a prayer together and it was the sweetest prayer I have ever heard. He prayed to be able to read the Book of Mormon and eventually be baptized. He prayed for Donatella, they are friends, and that her baptism could happen. He prayed for me because I am leaving soon and asked that if we can't see each other again in this life then maybe in the celestial kingdom in the next. 
Our pal Gaetano is back!!

Last story: we received an online referral and were having some troubles with contacting her so we ended up walking a whole bunch, trying to use different phones, and confirming the address till we found this wonderful Diana! She is incredible! She is an older woman who is just desperate for light in her life. Sorella Cardullo was an amazing teacher during our lesson and as she bore testimony of the love our Heavenly Father has for Diana, the spirit literally became tangible. Diana in thirty minutes went from longing to feel wanted to being overflowing with peace and love.

I'm grateful for every week that I have to "Be a Light" and touching lives in different ways. I'm grateful for every person I've been able to see take steps closer to Christ. I'm grateful for this Christmas season and the true sense of Christmas. Last of all I'm grateful for delicious Italian hot chocolate!

Tante belle cose
Sorella Carrie Nelson
D&C 58:4
The district.
Our friend Anziano Martinez.  We sometimes don't get along. HaHaHa

Elf is still hanging around.

Sunday selfie.

Fantastic " investigators" and where to find them.

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