Monday, December 5, 2016

Week 74

(Week 21 Rome)

Craziest up  and down week with our investigator Donatella. Monday evening we saw her and she pulls out her agenda and picks the 10th as a baptism date and then on Thursday morning she tells us to forget the whole thing. So we start fasting for her that afternoon and that same evening she says she just had a bad day and still wants to be baptized. #blessingsoffasting. Anywho, we had her baptism interview on Saturday and turns out she didn't tell us she had drunk coffee on Friday. So... she will have to wait till the 17th. We all fasted with her on Sunday so she is doing good so far! FORZA DONATELLA!

A week of service.
For some reason, in my mission it has been so hard to find service opportunities so this week when an old investigator Rosella called us for help we were so excited! She had completely redone her apartment. When we and the anziani walked in there was literally a mountain of her things in the middle of one room and dust EVERYWHERE!!!! We swept, swept, swept, wiped everything down, moved things into rooms, ate some pizza and wiped more dust off of everything! It really was so much fun! Sweet Rosella could not have done it without us and it felt super good to finally do some service. 

We joke that the four of us are a family.  This was during a morning of service.  Anziano Martinez and I were fighting and the whole thing seemed like a family road trip.

During church... I've realized church is very unrelaxing as a missionary. During sacrament meeting I was able to lead the wonderful congregation in all our Christmas hymns, Sunday school I was teaching the lesson, and during Relief Society I was translating for all our visiting guests.
The best part of it all is that the blessings of the sacrament are still so real!!! I feel so so so recharged after church! It is so insane and I know it is literally only because of the blessings we receive. It's also been amazing to see our investigators change as well after the sacrament. We just had one investigator in church this week (Donatella) but she was just glowing afterwards!!! Church is true!

Funny Pday... Sorella Cardullo and I checked out a very very famous antique cafe Greco and we ate very very fancy cake. Then, we take a nice detour and find a man selling beautiful watercolors! We end up buying one and then this sweet artist grabs my hand and in Italian says, "Ti ho preso" which means, I got you. Hahaha I wriggle my hand out and then he grabs my dear Sorella Cardullo's hand and kisses it and then grabs her head and kisses the top of it! Hahaha good good times. I promise we try to avoid the men!

We've had the chance to do a lot of work with one of our ward missionaries, Martin, this week. He is absolutely incredible and we were talking on our way to an appointment and he said this, " A successful missionary is one who overcomes that which was hard for them personally." He talked to us about how every missionary faces different trials during their mission and you can never look at the outward successes, but you should look at how they have changed. I know missionary work isn't and never will be easy, but I know that it is worth it with all my heart. I'm privileged to serve our Lord with His name with mine for 18 months and I only hope to continue to overcome the difficulty because it is worth it!

Che Dio vi benedica!
Sorella Carrie Nelson
Helaman 10:5

CHRISTMAS is coming!!!!

We love the bus rides!

We went to a super famous super expensive cafe called Caffe Greco.

It has elf returned this week.

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