Monday, November 21, 2016

Week 72

(Week 19 Rome)


One of the highlights of the week was Wednesday! The assistants called
the other STL and I to help them give the new missionaries a tour of
Rome and help them talk with people while we went. I was SOOO
excited!!! There were a lot of new sisters so I took a group of six
and we just went to crazy on the metros talking to so many people!
They were so stellar!!! We were able to meet so so so many people and
seeing the solid courage and desire of these new missionaries was such
a boost for me. 

Sorella Taylor and I taking the newbies all around Rome!

We also were able to stay for the dinner at the villa

with all them, the assistants and President and Sorella Pickerd. They
were all just firing off questions about my areas, companions, food,
language and it was so fun to see their excitement! Sorella Taylor and
I as we were watching them, we felt just an overwhelming feeling of
gratitude to be serving a mission. I feel like I was just that brand
new Sorella, but just looking back and seeing how many wonderful
people I've met and everything I've experienced made me just so happy
for these newbies and everything they will get to do.

Speaking of newbies. My dear trainees Sorella Cardullo and Sorella
Erickson were together while we were gone. They absolutely ROCKED
IT!!! They picked Sorella Taylor and I up and were telling all about
the lesson they taught and everything they did and I just wanted to
cry I was so darn proud of them! These sweet two Sorelle who hated to
do role plays, who hated every time I would correct them or only speak
in Italian are just so so so capable and incredible.

CULTURAL ACTIVITY!!!! I have to just tell this like play by play.
We had the most incredible activity that we have been inviting people
to for weeks. It was a cultural dance activity where each country
would do the typical dance. So, it's about to start and this man walks
it and is like, "Where is Sorella Nelson?" Finally I am located and I
recognized this man from the bus! I had been talking to him and
invited him to the activity and HE CAME!!! He is so so so cool and
named Giuseppe and is having lunch with a member soon... Anywho, this
activity starts and for the people who couldn't dance, they are
showing YouTube videos of typical dancing and basically tourism of
their country.

]These two are legit professional dancers who came to dance at the activity.

Carina is one of my favortie members!!  She danced a Peruvian dance at the activity..
The other missionaries and I are all dying because it

is so boring and so many investigators were there so we ask them to
stop showing tourism videos and just show the dances. So the activity
continues and we see some incredible incredible dances!!! Suddenly
Anziano Toronto tells me that they want the missionaries to dance and
so he and I discuss it and we know we can't be disobedient so we tell
the members we will sing instead. WE SANG THE NATIONAL ANTHEM AND IT
WAS TERRIBLE! Hahaha we literally put the country to shame! We hadn't
practiced and we all started off on the wrong key and I just was
laughing the entire time. The members LOVED it though! Afterwards
everyone kept saying "God bless America!" Hahaha the activity was a
huge huge huge success and so many nonmembers came!!

This week we were able to meet with Donnatella and the lesson went
soooo well!!! We were teaching her and then her doorbell rang and
walked in two of her friends all ready to be baptized. Haha jk, but
they are so cool. Sorella Cardullo and I looked at each other like
what should we do and I just whisper, let's teach the Restoration. The
spirit was incredibly strong!!! At the end of the lesson all three,
Donnatella, Alessandro and Palma all talked about the feeling they
felt inside. The room was so peaceful and it was one of those times
the spirit confirms to you over and over that this is true.

Week of gratitude! During studies we found that gratitude brings
miracles. When Christ needed to feed the 4 thousand He didn't ask for
more food but gave thanks and a miracle came! Let's give thanks!!!

Sorella Nelson
Matthew 15:36

I am becoming part of the art.  This is at a famous statue by Circo Massimo where they did chariot racing.

This man was so happy and telling her how to pose.

We have fun Pdays

Beautiful look outs of Rome.

Round 2.  I still made it out with a whole arm.

Cutest companion award.

Sono io

Chocolate running down gold walls.  The prettiest Gelateria called Venchi!!

More Italian piazzas.  Not sure about this ones story but we walk by it alllllll the time.  

Fall time!

Parks are turning so so so pretty!

This is a man named Giuseppe who we met in the park.  He is a painter and asked to take pictures of me to paint....hahaha so funny!  I think it's because I'm blonde.

We met this man named Michele who took us to see these gardens and lookout.

This is Michele.  Is from Milan.  Teaches Math.  Didn't believe the Restoration happened.  Is still a son of God.

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