Friday, May 13, 2016

Week 44

(Week 14 Bari)
Happy Mothers Day!!!! I'm so blessed to have a wonderful mom back in
my dear Smithfield Utah and so many wonderful women here in Italy who
make me feel like my mom isn't that far away. 
View of my family during our Mother's Day Skype call.

This Sunday literally rocked!!! Our investigator Camilla was able to
come to church with her mom and sister! This means if she comes to
church these next two weeks she can be baptized on the 28th! Super
exciting! She got to go to primary and already made friends with two
of the other little primary girls. It was the most beautiful thing to
see this family in church feeling the spirit after such a long long
Sorella Torres and I were able to teach the lesson in Relief
Society. It was so awesome and I bear testimony of the gift of
tongues! Sometimes it freaks me out that Italians understand what I'm
saying and that I can speak with them. Pretty awesome. 
Since we have some Peruvian members in our ward we put on a "festa
Peruviana"! It was so fun! Members came, English course students, and
some of our investigators! Food and the gospel are the ways to
people's hearts. ;) I was so thrilled when our dear Maria made a
friendship with my favorite less active couple the Lagattollas! The
Anziani even pulled through with a llama piƱata! Success! 
Pinata from our Peruviana party.
Cool story for the week: we went to visit a non active member Angela
on Saturday morning. We hadn't seen her for weeks and we so excited to
see her! When we got to her house she told us to come back in half an
hour so she could shower... So we hit the streets with finding! After
no, no, no, maybe, I'll call you..., we found a woman who's cousin had
given her a Book of Mormon the day before! So cool, hopefully we will
get to see her this week. 
After our half hour of power finding we went
back to Angela. She wouldn't let us into her house so we sat down in
the stair well to start a lesson. We were about to start and then her
daughter in law, brother, and granddaughter come right in the door. We
all start talking and we invite them all to join in our "stair well"
lesson. We all say a prayer and talk about the Book of Mormon and how
it brings us peace. Before we can say a closing prayer the daughter in
law tells us all about her son who needs our message and is looking
for some peace in this life. She ends up calling him right there and
puts me on the phone with him! So cool! He is super interested and so
is the mother in law! Can't wait to see what comes from this family. 
Our mission President gave us a challenge to read the Book of Mormon
before May 10 and I finished this last week! I know that the Book of
Mormon gives us power and strength to face our difficulties. Every day
I read the Book of Mormon I feel better and I know that the stories
found in the Book of Mormon really are for our days! It's true! 
Ciao! Alla prossiama! 
Sorella Carrie Nelson
Ponderize scripture Moroni 9:6

My "greenie" is pretty cute!!

The delicious Panzerotti

Sorella McFarlands Birthday!

Helping Maria move furniture....

Pretty Bari!

Our apartment building.

Beautiful Niocattero

Good Pday!

Awesome chalk drawing!!

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