Monday, April 25, 2016

Week 42

(Week 12 Bari)
Its a Wonderful Life.... Biggest news is that I'm staying in beautiful Bari and will receive a
GREENIE!!! I'll also be STL (Sister Training Leader) which will be super fun to get to do
exchanges with all the sisters. We are basically in charge of all the Sorelle in the zone. I'll be doing exchanges with them and checking up on them weekly and just like their cheerleader/mom. Also... At zone conference sometimes the STL gives a training section... Basically I work with the Zone Leaders and let President know how our zone is doing.
Quick update on main investigators...
Maria is rocking it. Sadly she has a hard time remembering things so
we are going really really slow. I think she will still be able to be
baptized the 28th. She's awesome! 
Rafaela. Literally the miracle investigator of my mission. We had the
best lesson ever with her, a member named Angela, and one of the
Anziani's investigators named Giulio who is basically a member just
not baptized. We had an awesome discussion about the Book of Mormon
and Giulio shared how he has been brought closer to Christ through
this book and Angela shared how she was re-activated thanks to it.
Rafaela shared how she never had a desire to read the Bible, but wants
to follow Moroni's promise. She's incredible. 
Camilla, our Peruvian princess... She is doing awesome and her lesson
this week was super sweet. We talked about the importance of reading
the BoM and coming to church. Her mother was able to share experiences
and help Camilla understand what we were teaching. Eternal Familes...
That's what it's all about... 
Miracles for the week:
We have been without hot water for weeks. We have literally had ice
cold showers and using a whole lot of soap on dishes. Thanks to senior
couples and awesome members we now are nice and clean with clean
Buses in Bari are NEVER on time or sometimes don't come at all. One day we
were so blessed with buses. We had a super full day and somehow buses
ran perfectly and we even had to run for two because they were early!
Heavenly Father sure helps us out. 
One day we were waiting for a bus... And talking to two super cute girls about
English Course. A car pulls up and a woman asks the girls if they want
a ride. Turns out the woman was the mom and aunt of these girls. She
then asks us if we want a ride as well. So, we get in!!! Hahaha it was
the best experience ever! We had an awesome gospel conversation and
now they know we are normal people. The mother, Antonia, ended up
actually living below the Anziani and we were able to exchange phone
numbers! Don't worry mom, we both felt good about getting in the car,
we don't normally do this ;) 
Best miracle of the entire week was watching my dear Sorella Jones
"die". Never has there been a missionary work so hard till the end.
What an example she is to me. Her last day here in Bari we were
everywhere and doing so much right till the end of the day.

I've been super grateful for this transfer and everything I've learned
from Sorella Jones. I know I was put with her so I could become a
better missionary. Heavenly Father always knows what's best for us and
how to push us so that we will grow! 
I'll miss my beautiful Sorella Jones!!
Goodbye Sorella Jones and Reber!
One of our lessons this week with
an investigator really taught me about the importance of progression.
Really and truly that's what this life is about. If we aren't
progressing we aren't improving and becoming more like Christ. Super
grateful for the Antonement and the opportunity it gives me to overcome
weaknesses and make them strengths. 
Thanks for all the love and
support from everyone! Have a wonderful week! 
Sorella Carrie Nelson
Ponderize scripture: 4 Nephi 3 

Typical Claudio!  Haha he is a member who is waiting to receive his mission call!
What I found in the bathroom.....Luckily Sorella McFarland saved me.
Sorella McFarland (My companion til actual transfer day!)
Our Madagascarians!
One of our English course students drew a picture of me!
Our investigators Giani and Lidia!
Jesus us my Joy!  Haha good Ol Graffiti
Sorella Preston (in blue polka dot dress) was my "investigator" from the MTC. She was in Italy and came to church with us in Bari.
Bus ride along the coast.
Kittens on the doorstep.
Sooooooo pretty!

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