Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Week 39

(Week 9 Bari)
Ciao Tutti! I have officially hit my halfway mark!!! It freaks me out
a little bit just how fast time is flying, but I'm super grateful I
still have another 9 months doing this wonderful work in this
wonderful country with these wonderful people. The mission has already
become the best choice I've ever made. There has been nothing so
rewarding as it. I have seen so many people progress and come closer
to our Savior. I'm still so grateful to be a missionary and do my
small part in this great work. 
Sorella Jones made me a camel pancake for "hump" day!

This week has been super slow yet super fast! On Tuesday we had our
zone conference. Sorella Jones sang Come Thou Fount and I accompanied
her on the piano. We killed it! Nothing brings the spirit like music
does. Go listen to some MoTab now. 

The Sorelle of the Bari zone.

Sorella Conde

All in the MTC together and now all in the Bari Zone!!

The first experience to share this week was with our investigator
Maria. We had finished the Restoration with her and it was time to
extend the baptismal invite. Everything was going perfect and it came
to me to invite her. As I asked her to be baptized she began to say
that she already had been baptized. I continued into the invite by
asking her to be baptized by someone holding the priesthood authority
of God. She let out a great big "ohhhhhh". We all paused for a minute
and then she said, "Si".
It wasn't until after we had left the apartment and we were talking
about how the lesson went that it really hit me that Maria had said
yes! The part that I loved most about this experience was that last
line in the invite. We can help people take part in eternal covenants
with their Heavenly Father. Dear Maria will truly be able to
participate in this saving ordinance thanks to the restored gospel

The second experience was with Lidia and Giani, two newer
investigators. Our dear Sorella Magno in the ward has been friends
with this couple for years and had signed them up to receive monthly
Liahonas from the church. They LOVE this magazine! They love reading
the talks from leaders of the church of how to strengthen our families
and how to truly just become better people. We had an awesome lesson about who the men were and what made their talks and guidance so
special. As we talked about the priesthood power, we could literally
see the light bulbs click in their beautiful Italian heads. It's the
beautiful simple truth! The church has been restored with the same
authority!!! They have so much interest in our message all because of
a dear Sorella Magno who signed them up for a church magazine. 

Funny experience leaving their house... We were running to catch a bus
back to Bari and realize we only have a 50 in change. (Italians hate
breaking change) we have fiveish minutes before the bus so we run into
a meat store to ask for change. The man then takes my 50 euro and
starts running all over the street into different shops looking for
change for me. Sorella Jones and I realize that maybe wasn't the
smartest thing to do and start worrying if he will steal it. The bus
arrives and the sweet man comes running to us with 5 ten euroes.
Sweetest human ever!! We ended up riding the bus for free anyway
because the bus driver didn't even want to break a 10. Italy :) 
Women's conference with some favorites! Sorella Mango, Sorella Jones, me, Sorella Spagnoletti and Sorella Fitzner our Senior Sister missionary.
Pranzo in between conferences.  
Fratello Palmisano wouldn't look at the camera!

CONFERENCE!!!! Literally the best feeling ever to know that these men
who are saying all these things are called of God! I know everything
they said is true and it was a,along to hear them give answers to not
only my questions but also our investigators. I know Thomas S. Monson
is a prophet and that he has been called and given authority to guide
our church today! Church is true! Have a great week everyone! 

Ponderize scripture: Alma 42:31 
Sorella Carrie Nelson
Back to Alberobello!  This is probably the cutest little city ever!! 
It was so hot this day!!!

In the caves with Sorella Jones.

It's springtime!  Popcorn popping on the olive trees.

Hahaha we got lost and this is me asking for directions.

Beautiful end of P-Day!!

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