Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Week 41

(Week 11 Bari)

Buona settimana

One of the things I've learned in my mission is how often miracles
happen. Heavenly Father literally loves us so much and has blessed us
with incredible experiences. 
First miracle: none of our plans for Monday night worked out. We ended
up doing some bus/street finding. The miracle was that we ended up
seeing three of our investigators and two less actives. It was so
neat! The lord puts us where we need to be when we need to be there. 
Second miracle: Rafaela! We were calling some potentials and we
accidentally called the wrong Rafaela but she said she was excited to
see us so we set up an appointment and the whole bit. She is about 46
and really wants to find the truth. The first thing that blew us away
was that she was perfectly on time! This lesson was probably the best
lesson I have ever taught my entire mission. We literally did
everything according to Preach My Gospel. We got to know Rafaela for a
little and then we did how to begin teaching and started the
Restoration. Then as the end was coming we invited her to be baptized
and she said Yes and we got her set with a date and everything. We
ended with a prayer and set up our next appointment. I HAVE THE
BIGGEST TESTIMONY OF PREACH OF GOSPEL! We could hardly believe how
well everything went and how strong the spirit was! We know we only
saw this incredible miracle because of the inspiration from our church
leaders of how missionaries should teach. Can't wait to see Rafaela
Third miracle: Camilla! The 11 year old Peruvian girl. When we met
with her this week she was so excited to learn. She has now accepted a
baptism date!!! The biggest trial with her and her family is getting
them to church. They live a twenty minute train ride away and the
trains don't return to their home after church... 
The wards here in Bari had a talent show and the entrance fee was at least one carton of milk.  It was a huge success.  They always hold parties and stuff late at night so we only saw a couple of acts but all the milk went to a childrens hospital/medical center.
Since Sorella Jones is "dying" we've been trying to live up her
mission to the fullest these last couple of weeks. This week we did
bus preaching! Hahaha basically it went like this. We would go to the
bus station and when a bus was packed with people we would hop on. She
would then give a brief spill about our church to everyone on the bus
while I would run around giving out cards to everyone. It was soooo
much fun! We definitely have gotten our boldness up! Haha we felt a
lot like the apostles and prophets in the scriptures just having a
desire to talk to EVERYONE! During street finding with all the
missionaries it's incredible because we all just stand in different
spots and don't move. We don't have to move because we literally talk
to every person who passes us. 
I feel so blessed serving with incredible missionaries here in Bari.
At first I wasn't very excited to be the youngest missionary in the
whole district but I have learned soooo much. I now realize how many
blessings come from obedience and how to really continue searching to
grow the work. I've learned so much from Sorella Jones this transfer.
We have had so much fun together, but we have worked incredibly HARD
The church is incredibly true everyone! Reread President Thomas S.
Monson's talk from this last conference for this week! We are so
blessed to have a living prophet! 
Sorella Carrie Nelson 
Ponderize Scripture! 3Nephi 5:24

Yummy focaccia!!

Scambio with Sorella Conde!

Correlation with Ruben our ward mission leader.

The panzarotti
Soooooo much cheese!!!

The Lassandro couple.

The Lagattolla coup

Another Sunday night power finding in centro!

Gross bus.......

Feeling sick after our Sunday pranzo....

Bari train station.


Giuseppe and beautiful Sorella Reber.
We pretended I was district leader this week.

Anziano Fitzner taught us how to iron during district meeting...

Love Sorella Jones!

Le Sorelle!!!

The beautiful Polignano

A peacock we found.

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