Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Week 3

I honestly don't know what to write in these emails anymore! So much happens, but then I feel like so little happened! Last week Sorella Tingey and I were able to go to the temple! On our walk to the temple is was probably like 120 degrees and we were so pumped when we got inside. The Initiatories were spectacular, but as we were walking out of the temple all of the sudden we realize it is POURING RAIN!!! hahaha we had no jackets, no umbrella, haha just picture my cute companion and I SPRINTING through pouring rain to get back to the MTC!!! hahaha so funny, lots of laughs. 
We got caught in the rain!

My district!!!  left to right... Anziano Bruggaman and Anziano Farnsworth. Sorella Tingey, Sorella Nelson and Anziano Housman and Pyper
Church is true!  My awesome Zone!

Sorella Nelson with Sorella Tingey

The District

Another AWESOME EXPERIENCE... On Monday we had five minutes till we needed to go teach our investigator and Sorella Tingey and I realized neither of us were on the same page on the subject of the lesson. We were frustrated and definitely learned how important communication is from this but anyway... Sorella Tingey said the prayer right before our lesson and I realized I needed to quickly get over our miscommunication or we wouldn't be able to work together and have the spirit (And I am sooo glad I did). Sorella Tingey started the lesson with a personal experience with the scriptures (Our investigator is struggling with seeing why the scriptures are important) and then I was just clueless as to what to say, since I didn't have this lesson prepared, I then knew I needed to share my thoughts regarding what we had assigned Rafaela to read (the atonement in 2 Nephi 9). Basically I opened my mouth and spoke Italiano like never before! I told her all about Nefi and how he knew and had faith in the Atonement and told her all about how much these stories mean to me. I just kept going and going and going! I asked her if she understood that God loved her and at that moment I felt like a real missionary. I felt so much love for her as an investigator and felt so much love from Heavenly Father that I just started crying as I explained this to her! BEST FEELING OF MY WHOLE LIFE. After the lesson, Sorella Tingey and I hugged and just relished the moment of having an awesome possum lesson!
Language is comin! I have D&C 4, the first vision, and the baptism invite memorized in Italiano so far, so I'm pretty proud of myself actually!

Another funny: Every Sunday we can go see movies, my zone went to "Legacy" HILARIOUS!!! imagine a huge room full of missionaries watching this cheesy, love story, pioneer, movie! hahaha it was priceless. I love missionaries!
Lesson learned this week: My district has so much fun together so it's super easy to get distracted... We were goofing off and just so happened to have a lesson regarding time management from Fratello Wirtham... Basically if we aren't giving our whole effort, we can't expect any help from our Heavenly Father! 
Con Amore, Sorella Nelson :)

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