Friday, August 7, 2015

Week 4

Less than 2 weeks till Italia!!!! Seriously so excited! 
This week has FLOWN BY!!! Thursday we had TRC again, which was awesome. We got to hear real peoples' problems and help them so that was great! Tomorrow we Skype with real Italians in Italia!!! Sooo pumped! Funny story, In the dorm rooms we have little closets that are the perfect size for a human to fit in. so... Sorella Tingey and I had left our classroom, headed into the dorms and as I open my door to put my shoes away... SORELLA CONDE jumps out and scared me soooooo bad!!!! The sisters on the same floor were freaking out that there was a bat or something like what happened in the other dorm building so they were all running around. Good laugh, but I shall have my revenge. The Germans left us this week, now the first floor is super lonely. Sorella Tingey and I are the Sister Training Leaders so this afternoon we get to welcome in the new Germans so that'll be tons of fun! 
New Favorite thing to do at the MTC: At the end of companion study, around 8:20 Sorella Tingey and I go find other missionaries to do a testimony swap with! So fun! We bear our testimonies in Italian while our companion translates and then the other language (or sometimes English missionaries) do the same back! So Fun! 
Sheri Dew was the devotional speaker on Sunday night, she is awesome and such an inspiration of service in the church.

The New President of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles, President Nelson, came to speak last night! During choir practice the director was teaching us how to stand and sit "in case the speaker is an apostle" haha. We sang "Be Still My Soul" with the entire bleachers full of singers! Something that I LOVED about last night was the moment President Nelson walked through the doors and every missionary stood to show our respect. As soon as he walked through the doors, I felt the Spirit witness to me that this is a special witness of our Lord. He gave an awesome talk on being a missionary. He talked about becoming a loving person and letting everyone see that love instead of just the people we like to be around. There are definitely people who I am not always loving to and I'm going to try really hard to simply love EVERYONE! I challenge you all to do the same this week and see how it makes a difference in your life.

Io amo questo vangelo!!!!!
Ciao, Sorella Nelson
Found fellow Cache Valley Friend &
 Missionary Rachel Wilkey

Snoozing Elders on the lawn
Sorella Tingey practicing the piano
P-day at the Temple
MTC Laundry room- (so I can remember and to show Carli. She's dying to see what it's like. haha)
My cute Sorelle :)

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