Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Week 35

(Week 5 Bari)
Has it really already been another week!? Another win for Bari Poggio
Franco!!! Sorella Taylor and I had an awesome week!! We think this
upcoming week might be our last together which makes me sad. We work
so well together! Since we are still both young in the mission, we are
no where close to "dead" and we really have to figure things out
together. It's great, she is so awesome. 
Face masks.
I love Sorella Taylor!!!

Easter is in the works here. Massive massive chocolate Easter eggs are
everywhere!!! They are basically massive chocolate footballs filled
with toys! 

Amazing new investigator named Gulia! She is 18 and super super tall
and beautiful. We met her through English course and went with her one
night to get panzarotti. Win win, for spirit and belly! Haha anywho,
she is super amazing and has had the hardest life ever! She was
adopted, ended up having a lot of family problems and then just
recently her best friend died in a crazy car accident. She is really
looking for peace. We have been able to teach her several times now
and she asks awesome questions and is just super stellar. 

We did a scambio this week and I was with Sorella Hunter who is brand
new in the mission! It was so much fun! She has been having a hard
time adjusting and picking up the language but she seriously did so
well the whole day! We taught some less actives and she shared her
beautiful greenie testimony throughout all the lessons. We also went
to a rest home with the Anziani and other ward members. It was a
members birthday party there and he wanted the missionaries there. It
was nuts!!!! There is no security and all these old Italians just
kinda running and roaming all of the place! Hahaha I loved it! 

Sorella Hunter would pick a person and then we would go talk to them
together. She was so great the entire time. We ate brownies and headed
off to English course. Greenies are soooo awesome! So much desire to
do missionary work! 

We had another lesson with the family of Rodolfo again. The
restoration! This family is so so cool! Once again they listened and
asked great questions. We are just dying to get them to church!!!!
Urgh!!! Pazienza.....  

We had a lot of other great people we saw this week, but a highlight
was the pancake ward party we held Saturday morning. The senior
couple, the Anziani and us whipped up some pancakes and eggs and
members brought drinks and Nutella and all the dressings. We had
invited English course and all our investigators. It was sooo great! 

Gabriella is one of our investigators.  She is the one I am talking to.
The members here are incredible at fellow shipping and making people
feel welcome. My favorite member is Fratello Caricola. He reminds me
of Grandpa Baxter when he had his mustache. Seriously my favorite. He
had brought salami for me to try on top of my pancakes. I didn't
necessarily love it, but one of the investigators of the Anziani was
obsessed with it! Haha!! 

This week I was very grateful for members. Members really make the difference in missionary work. Strong members who support missionaries
go under appreciated. It was wonderful to see members come to our
activity and support us as missionaries. When they tell us about
family members or less actives that could use a visit we love them
even more! 

Every Sunday we are fed by members and this Sunday we were
with the Famiglia Valentini. It was HUGE! The best part of the whole
pranzo though was that one of the daughters who is less active came.
Instead of leaving the task to us to bring up a gospel conversation,
the family was on it. We talked a lot about how hard it is to be a
member here, but it was great to hear all the testimonies of all the
family members who have seen the blessings of living the gospel even
while it is hard. Awesome experience and example of how missionary
work can be done. 

I'm so grateful for how the church is organized so
that we all work together. I'm so grateful for all the strong examples
of members back at home and here in Italy. I hope after the mission I
can be just like them. 

Ponderize scripture Enos 1:8 

Sorella Carrie Nelson

Yummy Panzerotti!  Don't worry, I only ate one. :) 

When we have a sweet tooth..Grab kinder candy bars, ceral, cookies, chocolate chips and throw it in the blender with a little milk.  Diabetes in a cup.

We found sushi!!

Hanging with our pal Angela...

Photo shoot with primary children.

Super beautiful P-day at Polignano. It's about a 30 minute train ride south of Bari.

Painted my toenails for the first time since I left home just for the occasion.

Amo la mare. ( I love the sea)

Found a snail....

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