Monday, January 11, 2016

Week 27

(Week 21 Caserta)

Colossus, screamer, wicked, the mission.......‏

Whoever said a mission is a roller coaster of work and emotions was
spot on! I think this has probably been one of the biggest weeks full
of ups and downs of my life. I've smiled so big this week, been so
confused, laughed so much, been so grateful and cried so much from one
single phone call. BUT, I still love this wonderful wonderful work of
the Lord. I still have a testimony that Jesus is our Savior, I have
felt His kindness during this week. I know that this work is
progressing, I may not see any fruits, but it is hastening. 

We started our week off seeing GianFranco. As soon as he came into the
church he asked if we could talk about his baptism. Turns out he is on
house arrest for something he and his "brothers" (a.k.a. Mafia) did
years and years and years ago. He has completed his one year and has a
court trial on the eleventh to see if he is free. When we explained to
him that he cannot be baptized while on probation we decided to all
fast together. GianFranco is so changed and it makes it so sad that
choices we made years and years ago hold us back from our blessings. 

Later in the week we also found out he is still smoking!... GianFranco
still wants to stop but it will just take some time. 

Cool/sad story... Antonio a man we met outside his shop was reading
the restoration pamphlet as we peeked into his shop one night.
Literally made our day seeing him sitting there in his shop reading
his little heart out! We decided to "casually" ask him if he was able
to read the pamphlet in two days. Sooo we did! 

Basically Catholics
believe in a man named Padre Pio who suffered for a third of the
worlds sins, the Madonna (Mary) and Gesù did the other two thirds. Our
conversation with Antonio ended with "well if you don't believe in
Padre Pio, I won't believe in your Joseph Smith". Well, some people
are just not ready for the gospel. We just pray that someone else will
be able to give him another chance. Awesome guy though with a sick
suit store. 

We went to Battipaglia for a scambio (exchange) with our STL and her
companion. Strangest scambio I have ever done! The evening part I was
with our STL Sorella DeFranchi (she is French) and she was just
throwing up the whole evening. On the bright side I was able to read
her talks in Italian and get her help with new vocabulary so that was

In the morning all four of us with the Anziani did a Mostra in
the big centro. I have never been so frustrated with missionaries!
Sorella Robertson and I were trying sooooo hard to talk to everyone
who passed by while the actual Battipaglia missionaries were just
making jokes the whole time! 

Anywho, it was beautiful weather, I met
some adorable people, I got to spend time with Sorella Rackham
(Sorella Defranchis comp who is one transfer older than me) and I love
her so much! It was great! 

The biggest thing I struggled with this week wasn't rejection or flaky
members or investigators but the Anziani. I've been in Caserta for
four transfers now while this is their first. I've been trying to work
so hard with all sorts of people and am finally seeing some success.
They are wanting to change how we do English course and work with the
ward. They are now setting up appointments with people we are trying
to work with, they gave one named Jerry a baptism date. I felt so much
hate and anger and frustration when they called to "apologize" if they
had taken people we were trying to work with. 

I've really had to come
down and humble myself. Something that really helped me was in my
study this morning I read Through God's Eyes by: Elder Dale G.
Renlund. "Something wonderful happens in a missionary’s service when
he or she realizes that the calling is not about him or her; rather,
it is about the Lord, His work, and Heavenly Father’s children." It
doesn't matter if I met these people first. It doesn't matter that I
won't be able to teach them. It really doesn't even matter who wanted
to talk to them first about the gospel. This is the Lord's work. We
are all His children. This is not about me or how much something
frustrates me or makes me happy. It's about who that person needed to
be taught by. It only matters that these people are making covenants
and headed back home. 

I've been really frustrated with other
missionaries this week but I realize I'm no better than any of them. I
have my own faults, I'm not 100% obedient. I try, and I mess up. I try
and sometimes succeed. ITS ALL JUST SO WORTH IT!!! I'm so lucky to be
a missionary in Italy doing the Lord's work! 

I'm so sorry if this email sounds just all depressing and not
uplifting at all!!! I promise I still love being a missionary and I'm
not giving up! There is always a storm before the calm! Satan knows
people are ready, he is just making me frustrated so I can't find
them! Don't worry, I won't let him win!  
Ponderize scripture
Moroni 7:45

Sorella Carrie Nelson

We look like stateside sisters with our bikes we borrowed!!!

Beautiful sea side coast!!!
Hashtag windy so don't look at my hair....

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