Thursday, November 12, 2015

Week 18

(Week 12 Caserta)

Ciao Tutti!!!!
This week has been another super fast week!!! 

We found out that we can no longer baptize or even teach Felix and
Evans. There has been direction from the area of the seventy that
refugees living on camps cannot be baptized or taught. Going along
with the recent news of the children in gay homes, I was at first
confused why we are not allowing people who are ready for the gospel
to be baptized and receive those blessings. Sorella Hamilton and I
were on a scambio and she got the sad news and had to deliver the news
to our dear dear African brothers that they could not be baptized. She
gave me a call to let me know we would no longer be having a baptism,
but instead of sad feelings and anger I felt so full of faith! I know
that we don't always understand things and why there are certain rules
when we feel there should be an exception, but I truly believe that we
have a prophet called of God.
Scambio (exchange) with Sorella Hassell in Pozzuoli!

Scambio in Caserta with Sorella Barona!!!
I love this quote from Elder Bednar's
talk this last conference talking about our prophet who leads our
“Isn’t it wonderful to have a man of maturity at the head, a man of
judgment who isn’t blown about by every wind of doctrine?”
I don't know why Felix and Evans and all these other children and
people throughout the world will have to wait for baptism but I know
there is a reason and that eventually they will be able to have those

The rest of this week was very busy! We received transfer calls that
we will be staying in Caserta together for another 4 weeks! I'm
excited to stay because this week we met some really awesome potential

Antonietta, is a woman who came to church the second week I was here
with her brother who lives in Switzerland. We have wanted to see her
forever but have never found time. Sorella Barona and I went to hunt
her down during our scambio and she was right outside her house and
was THRILLED to see us!!! We taught her and her husband Vincenzo the
restoration and then had pranzo with them! Nicest humans ever!!!

I've been so amazed with the kindness of the Italian people this week.
There have been soooo many little things like Antonietta feeding us
and giving us a bag of fruit to go, an old Italian man sitting behind
an American family and giving them little candies during sacrament
meeting, going to the home of a sister in the ward and having her show
us all the pictures of missionaries in the past, Rosa Izzo teaching us
to make a cake and then bringing out fresh pomegranate and a chocolate
treat for us and hen sending us home with fresh clementines, and Dora
Ruchiano the relief society president trying to speak English to the
few American sisters to make them feel welcome. My heart has just grown
so much for these people and their willingness to give and make others
feel welcome. 

Ponderize scripture for the week Matthew 10:39 

Vi voglio bene!!!!
Sorella Carrie Nelson
Cute Fratello Izzo went outside to bring these right back in from his garden.
At the home of the Izzo couple, Rosa the wife is not a member. She taught us how to make apple lemon cake. Sooooo good!!!
Turtle we found while cleaning a less active woman's apartment.

District meeting pizza pic

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