Thursday, October 1, 2015

Week 12

(Week 6 Caserta)

Transfer Calls!!! I am...... Staying in Caserta! Hahaha no surprise 
Fun tradition for transfer calls: every missionary buys a Kinder chocolate egg with the toys inside before the last disrict meeting of the transfer. At the end of the meeting we all open our eggs and depending on the toy we make predictions of where everyone is going and who their companions will be. Mine was easy because I'm still in training so it was mainly guessing other missionaries. 
This DDM (district meeting) was super fun. Anziano Lazarte our leader is "dying" (finishing) so we had a celebration! We took lots of pictures and of course we got pizzas! We went to an awesome little pizza place that let me help make them! I made the pizza I'm holding in the picture Smiling face with smiling eyesand then after DDM we had a piñata for Anziano Lazarte! He has been an awesome missionary and it'll be sad to see him go.
Our wonderful, wonderful district!!!

More pizza

Silly District

Update for our investigators!

Vini (the one who used to take the lessons and was close to baptism). We went and visited her and basically she still believes everything of the gospel to be true! She seriously would love to be baptized but she won't be baptized unless her husband and daughters support her. We had Sunday pranzo yesterday at their home (sooooo much food) and asked them to fast with us for their upcoming court case that they are extremely worried about (Vini's sister is suing the family because "she didn't get her share of the inheritance") It was a wonderful time with the family and they are all SUPER warm and friendly! Her husband has no interest in the church anymore but doesn't mind that we come visit. The daughters are 16 & 18 and act uninterested. Vini has her mother living with them and she is always participating in our lessons but we have to find a way for the father and/or the daughters to find interested in the gospel as well.

Our Africans Evans and Felix are still doing super well! They have their baptism interviews this Saturday and then the baptism will be moved to the 10th because of conference! 

Silvio is a new investigator with his mother Antionetta. We met Silvio in the street and he told us that if we ever needed anything to stop by his laundromat. So we decided we needed a new investigator and went to his laundromat. He and his mother are extremely CATHOLIC so this has been interesting. When we shared Moroni 10:3-5 and got to the part about the Holy Ghost they were super excited and Silvio whipped out his prayer book that has specific prayers to invite the Holy Ghost.

This Tuesday I received an email that my Grandma Nelson had passed away. I had gone into my mission knowing that this would be very likely, but when I got the news it was still extremely sad. I taught English course that night, distracting myself with a smile on my face and returned home for daily planning. We knew we wanted to go visit Silvio tomorrow to teach the Plan of Salvation. Wednesday morning during personal study I was studying The Plan for the lesson. I felt the sadness about my Grandma's death literally melt away. The feeling I had instead can only be described as confidence and reassurance. During the lesson with Silvio and his mom, I was able share what I had experienced the previous day and how this plan brings peace into our lives. I'm so grateful that I have the knowledge of the plan of salvation and that no one is excluded. Dieter F. Uctdorf has said, "There are no endings, only eternal beginnings". I know my Grandma has now started another eternal BEGINNING. What a blessing the gospel is!!!
English course students!!!! We LOVE them!!!

If anyone is struggling with ANYTHING the gospel can help you! That's the best part about the gospel, it is applicable to EVERYTHING!!! 

Love you All and have a stellar week!!  
Vi Voglio Bene,
Beautiful picture of train tracks in Caserta.

Sorella Carrie Nelson

Videos below of authentic Napoli Italian Pizza and also of our apartment.

Finally left Caserta and headed down to Napoli for a Pday! Had a good time being in the big crazy city. Napoli is known for gypsies and crazies so it was super exciting. Happy to say we had no bad encounters. Normally for DDM we walk the ten minutes to the church and pizza parlor and that's it. Today we got to see the city with all the other Napoli Anziani, Caserta Anziani and Daniel and Denis the Italians. Got myself some little boots for winter time so that's awesome. We also hit Sorbillos Pizzeria. Super famous pizza, apparently the pope blessed one of the pizzas and that's why it's so popular other than it's just super good! I need to go on a pizza fast...

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